Tuesday 3 May 2011

Upcoming Book Review: Lori Wick's "The English Garden Series"

A little while ago I read a lovely series by Christian author Lori Wick. I have read a lot of her books but since I was lately given the last book to the series I am going to re-read them and post up a review. The books are from "The English Garden Series"

Here are the four books in the series:

Have you read these books? Have you read any of Lori Wick's books? I would love to hear what you thought of them


Miss Laurie said...

I really enjoy Lori Wick's books and her style of writing. My favorite of her's is 'The Princess' but I also love 'Sean Donovan' which is in the series. I have started reading a couple of The English Garden series but didn't get very far mostly because they were library books that I really didn't have time to read. Also I found the plots to be a mixture of Jane Austen's plots so I felt like they weren't original enough and I knew what was going to happen. I have been wanting to read this series lately though so I look forward to your reviews! :)

~Miss Laurie
Old-Fashioned Charm

Mel said...

Hi Miss Laurie, it's nice to see that your back! I hope you had a lovely time!
It's funny that you mention that the books have similarities to Jane Austen's work as I was just discussing this with my sister (who has also read the books) yesterday, I definitely plan to discuss these similarities in the review :)
I still havent read 'The Princess' but haven't been able to get a hold of a copy. I will have to put this one at the top of my list because I have heard that it is a really wonderful book!

Thank you for your comment,